Detection and Correction of Partial Discharge Faults in Underground Cables: A Comparative Survey

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E A Abdullahi


Early detection of fault in underground cables (UC) reduces abnormal degradation. Fault
detection is vital to sustain the availability of service to consumers in order to avoid line
disruptions or irregularities of supply. This paper presents the methodology of detecting
and correcting of aging mechanism known as partial discharge (PD) in underground cables.
The methodology of detecting and correcting partial discharge in underground cables
necessitates developing a reliable and efficient method of detection when the cable is near
failure before resulting to catastrophic failure. For this paper, the Time Domain
Reflectometer (TDR) device, offline, online methods were adopted for review, detection
and compared by exploring their peculiarities and shortcomings. In conclusion, one method
out of the three is chosen after examination and recommended for use to significantly reduce
irregularities along the supply line of transmission.

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