Securing Technology for Virtual Learning Process using Cloud Computing Environment for Circular Economy and Sustainable Development

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This study determined the influence of securing technology for virtual learning
process using cloud computing environment for circular economy and sustainable
development. The design was a descriptive survey research design. Survey
research design was considered most appropriate for this study because it allows
the researcher to make inference about the population by selecting and studying
the sample for the study. The population of the study comprised of 206 library
professionals from the Nigerian Library Association, Cross River State Chapter.
The sample size was the entire population; hence the census enumeration sampling
technique was employed. The study utilized Securing Technology for Virtual
Learning Process Questionnaire. The reliability estimate of the instrument was
established through trial testing of the that shares the same characteristics.
Cronbach Alpha reliability method was used to test the internal consistency of the
instrument and the reliability index ranged from 0.79 to 0.83 respectively. The
statistical analysis used was one-way Analysis of variance at 0.05 level of
significance. The results revealed that there is a significant influence of zoom
technology on virtual learning process using cloud computing environment and
zoho technology significantly influence virtual learning process using cloud
computing environment. The study recommends among others that as library
professionals are well known for their information dissemination, members of the
National Library Association (NLA), Cross River State Chapter should place more
emphasis on training of its members on the use of virtual learning tools and engage
its members on more of the virtual conferences and seminars meetings as the world
is moving towards cloud computing environment coupled with series of restriction
on physical human contacts. These will enable them have more knowledge about
cloud computing environments for easy collaboration and access to the global

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