A Factorial Study of Variables affecting the Formulation and Production of Polyurethane Foam

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Polyurethanes are the most demanding type of polymers in the present era because
of the versatility in properties and in the synthesis. There are several reasons why
the variables affecting the formulation and production of foams made from
petroleum bye products should be identified and planned for. This study uses
statistical analytics to provide enlightenment and deep insight about the
insidiousness of these factors, their wider implications, and justification to
manufacturers and industrialists for their importance. A survey approach
involving the use of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) facilitated by StatistiXL
software package was employed. Thirty-two variables identified were used to craft
questionnaires that were scaled with Rensis Likerts 5-point attitudinal scale and
which were subsequently administered to respondents. Prior to this step, Kendall
Coefficient of Concordance was applied as to establish merit order sequentiality
among the identified factors. Our results showed an index of agreement among
the judges in ranking the variables is W= 0.54, and that a null hypothesis of
discordance among the judges was rejected at a p-value of 0.01. Again, the study
was successful in distilling the gamut of variables into 10 manageable dimensions
that trumps polymer type as the most significant factor. The authors affirm the
basic variables needed to synthesize flexible polyurethane foam, that their desired
end properties of the foam is based on the choice of the specific variables along
with their required quantities.

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