A Technical Survey on The Role of Robotics in Conventional Manufacturing Process: An Element of Industry 4.0

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This technical survey aims to explore the role of robotics in conventional manufacturing processes. The objective of this study is to analyse the impact of robotics on various aspects of manufacturing, including productivity, efficiency, quality, and safety while also argumentatively addressing the benefits and challenges associated with the use of robotics in manufacturing industries. The key points discussed in this survey include the impact of robotics on productivity, cost reduction, and quality improvement in manufacturing. It is obvious that the integration of robotics in manufacturing has revolutionized the industry by enhancing productivity, efficiency, and quality. The use of robotics has significantly increased productivity by automating repetitive tasks, reducing cycle times, and increasing overall production output. Additionally, the implementation of robotics has led to cost reduction through decreased labour costs, minimized material waste, and improved resource utilization. Furthermore, robotics has contributed to quality improvement by ensuring consistent and precise manufacturing processes, reducing errors, and enhancing product reliability. However, the adoption of robotics in conventional manufacturing processes also presents challenges. These challenges include high initial investment costs, the need for skilled technicians to operate and maintain robotic systems, and potential job displacement. Despite these challenges, the long-term benefits of robotics in manufacturing outweigh the initial costs and workforce adjustments. The analysis demonstrates that robotics improves productivity, efficiency, quality, and safety in manufacturing operations. Therefore, the future of robotics in manufacturing looks promising, with advancements in technology paving the way for further improvements. The findings of this survey contribute to a better understanding of the benefits and challenges associated with the integration of robotics in conventional manufacturing processes.

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