Deployment of a Secure Electronic Health Information Management System

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The adoption of blockchains to effectively manage medical services – is fast become
popular, for professional use and in patient-centered application. Electronic
medical records are highly sensitive with user-privacy data in lien with medicalrelated
services for patient diagnosis and treatments. The nature and features of
these medical records have continued to necessitate its availability, reachability,
accessibility, mobility, confidentiality and security. These, have been demystified
with the birth of the blockchain technology that seeks to proffer platforms and
application services devoted to dependability, reliability amongst the features
earlier mentioned above. Thus, our study posits a blockchain health information
system for healthcare facilities in Delta State of Nigeria. Our ensemble yields a
permissioned blockchain using a hyper-fabric ledger. Using the world-state on a
peer-to-peer blockchain with various actors to include patient, practitioners and
other users to create, retrieve and store medical records for a patient to aid
interoperability – our ensemble yields a query and https response time of 0.56secs
and 0.42secs respectively for 2500-users, and 0.78secs and 063secs respectively for

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Author Biography


Department of Computer Science, College of Science, Federal University of Petroleum Resources
Effurun, Delta State