Time Varying Parameters and Curvature of Nigerian Eurobond

  • Gbenga Ogungbenle Department of Actuarial Science, University of Jos, Nigeria
Keywords: Term structure, curvature, Eurobond, parameters


The aim of this paper is to numerically estimate the time varying parameters and curvature of Nigerian Eurobond by employing the five months available data knowing on assumption that the estimated parameters are functionally dependent on the Nelson-Siegel model used for the estimation of the time varying parameters. The specific objectives of determine the level, slope and the curvature factor for the Nigerian Eurobond and derive an in-sample yield model at various maturities. It was discovered from the results obtained that the variabilities in the short term and long term differ significantly and the three principal components functionally associated by level, slope and curvature account for about 98.9% of the changes in term structure variability
